The Park is managed by a group of volunteers - of which Gerry and I are two. Everyday during lockdown we have been going down there and doing some work - as part of our daily exercise. We've planted a tree, and lots of wild flower plants. To make sure they have a fair chance of survival we have dug up all the surrounding docks and thistles in their immediate areas, and each day we have watered them.
When lockdown was first announced, we worked on the willow tunnels with Geoff from Yorkshire Hurdles to get them into shape. Of course they were completely bare then. The two pictures underneath show them in March and now today.

The Park is still open to wander around in, and government guidelines now state that you can meet one other person outside, but still retaining the 2m distance rule. Unfortunately the play equipment and the outdoor gym is still out of bounds but hopefully this situation will change soon.
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