We've just been accepted to have a stand at the River Art market in York in the summer, starting in June. York has a long history - evidence remains of Roman, Anglo Saxon and Viking settlements and people come from all over the world to soak up it's history. Of course last year that didn't happen, and I don't think we'll have many foreign visitors this year - but people will be coming to York from the rest of the UK. I am getting ready to sell our novelty items to those tourists and what better than "Eric Bloodaxe Vikings"? I began to make them today.... first day of making things since Christmas........
Some of my little Vikings have horns on their helmets - not truly authentic, but popularised by Kirk Douglas's film "The Vikings".
For authenticity the helmets had noseguards- which I make as well for purists.
I just hope the pandemic is under control by the summer and we can get back to a bit of normality and that the shows and exhibitions can go ahead.